
« Author: Sarah Ponte »

107 search results

Altersis surfe sur les vagues du numérique

Malgré la crise sanitaire et une légère baisse d’activité, la PME d’ingénierie informatique ne s’en sort pas trop mal. “On part du principe que cette année, on fera de la croissance et on rattrapera les 5% qu’on a perdus l’année dernière”, espère Guy Puech, le fondateur d’Altersis. Aux manettes du groupe Altersis, une société de […]


Browser-based performance requirements and analysis

Written by Arthur Luimes, Senior performance consultant, Altersis A changing definition of performance When asking people who use web pages what they mean when they talk about the performance of the site, you might hear different stories. An end user might say that a site has bad performance when he looks at his screen and […]


Happy at Work Label 2020!

Last February, we decided to launch the social climate survey: Happy at Work! Since the creation of the group, we have always involved our employees in improving working conditions within the group. To obtain the Happy at Work 2020 label, we need to attain at least: 50% participation in the survey / 3.81/5 in overall […]


Performance Testing : The need for Browser-based Performance Testing in the Cloud!

Background Many large corporations are moving their mission critical applications to the Cloud. Some are in the progress of automating deployments while doing so, and automate testing as well. These activities represent massive changes in how the applications are developed, deployed, managed, and tested. At the same time, and possibly due to these changes, traditional […]


Altersis, a digital company where its great to work!

Specialist in digital services since 2008, the Altersis group supports clients in their digital transformation, optimizing and making their information systems, software and other applications more efficient and reliable. Its human resources needs are great and the VTE ( Volunteer Work Experience) contract, initiated by the French government and Bpifrance, has enabled it to expand […]


Challenge cooptation 2019 : le grand gagnant est …

En 2019, nous avons lancé notre challenge cooptation dans toutes nos agences françaises et internationales. Le but :  Les règles sont simples, le collaborateur qui coopte le plus durant l’année remporte le challenge et un super lot. Si aucun collaborateur ne se démarque par son nombre de cooptation, un tirage au sort sera organisé. Le […]